Selasa, 15 Juli 2014


Hello! So what's going on with you guys lately?
Actually i don't really want to blog at all this morning (yes its 1.05am) but i was stalking someone and ended up in her blog which was quite good and makes me want to update mine,so here i am!
I leave the title like that because i don't know what to choose. I'm not good at categorizing things.
Let's catch up some things here.
So now I am officially a 12 grader. WHICH IS SAD. Yes i said sad. The reasons are general and probably you know it already.
UN yep,Ujian Nasional. Its a test,i know we've been through a lot of tests but still,i'm scared that i won't do good,so wish me luck and send me prayers okay:)
Friends-leaving. Doh. You know i'm a sucker for a relationship. I barely talk to new people if it isn't necessary. So basically when i consider you as my friends and we talked,i probably have a special spot for you in my heart and my mind. Cheesy,i know. That's okay.
So it will be hard for me to do.
Pisah kelas aja susah,apalagi pisah tempat menuntut ilmu. Ah kawan.
But tha'ts not it yet.
Being in a 12 grade makes me think that i will soon leave High School. Leave my teenage year. Grow up. I hate the word grow up. I just hate it.
But i'm counting to see those days.
Will my mature ages be like what i expected it would be?
Will things i did and choices i choose back then be the right thing?
I want to see how am i doing in the future. More then anything else.

Maybe because i didn't live my teenage days as much as i should and i'm expecting that my future will do better.
I've got so many things in my mind and don't know how to tell it to you guys. I just have SO MANY THINGS you won't believe me.


I'm so over-thinking about everything yet still so careless when it comes to actions,especially speaking. So if we talk,you may sometimes think i'm a rude girl because i said bad things,sorry. Ugh i need those inventors to create the thing that can read your mind and makes conclusion out of it to minimize misunderstanding between people. Ah idk. There must be some wrong grammar here and there please forgive this girl.
Btw i hit my 17 and nothings really great happened. So f you 17 expectations and 17 in movies.

Have a good day!

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