Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

i miss you.

i miss your smell
i miss your voice
i miss your warm hand
i miss the way you look at me
i miss when we were on the outside of the empty scary house
i miss your words,that always make me smile for a reason
i miss our not-so-night-conversation
i miss when you call me "dut"
i miss when we could share everything together
i miss how you look when you're walking or running
i miss your selfish attitude
i miss when we laugh together
i miss when you're mad with me
i miss when we're together on the field
i miss how i-get-angry-if-u-didn't-text-me-back
i miss us
i miss when your draw Spongebob in a better way
i miss when you judge me
i miss when you correct my english
i miss the feeling that i get when i'm around you
i miss when you hold my fingers
i miss when you hold my hand
i miss when you,indri and me walked together,the three,i mean the two of us were crying,me and her.
i miss when you call me when i'm crying about Anas and Dinda and you told me not to and you said "masa orang gendut nangis"
i miss your bag
i miss when we sholat together with tiar
and most of all,i miss you.

do you miss me back?no you're not:)
do you miss me like i miss you? definitely no:)
have you found your new one yet?yes you've :D

hadooooooooh. susah ya ngomongin gininan tanpa terdengar dangdut,lulz what evvz.

maaf kalo aku gak cukup kurus :)
maaf kalo aku gak cukup tinggi :)
maaf kalo aku nggak cukup putih :)
maaf kalo aku nggak cukup pinter bahasa inggris :)
maaf kalo aku masih kayak anak anak :)
maaf kalo aku egois :)
maaf kalo aku jaim nya gede banget :)

maaf kalo dangdut.

"bahkan matapun bisa menipu,liatlah dari hati"-Cornelia,14 tahun,doyan makan.

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